Monday, August 29, 2005

Back @ Work

And I'm back in my office. It's not like it's been too long, I had to come on Saturday. Yups, I was called during my vacation to come and do something that had to be ready for this week. First I came on Friday afternoon, but the staff I had to supervise to do the job had left, and they'd be back the next morning. So I spent 2 hours of my precious Saturday morning making sure that it got done. But it did, and it looked very nice when I came in today.

The rest of my weekend was fabulous. Most of it was spent rehearsing for a show we have on Friday, and that was super cool. I'm officially playing guitar in a concert for the first time!!! I've always sung while others played. I'm playing harder things than I'm used to as well. It's only 3 songs though. But it's funny cus one of my Yoga instructors is playing with us and he started playing the songs and I was like, "It sounds beautiful, but that's too hard for me, I can't play like that."

He just ignored the comment and continued with the rehearsal... and I had to catch up. Minutes later I was playing the songs, and when another guitarrist wanted to learn 'em, he's like, "Ask her, she knows."

And I did! I learned the songs! Which made me wonder: Why did I doubt that I could do it when someone else didn't? How many other things do I do that with?

Oh, I also got asked out by someone I said no to (and would never say yes to).

I also had a few very pleasant conversations. And many laughs.

Vacation was great. And now, I'm glad I'm back. There's always a challenge to face here. It keeps me in good mental shape.


Chelle said...

i knowww, it feels great when you break through that!


anonymous said...

if we believed in ourselves a little bit more, if we would not fear to give it a try, we could so much greater things. I guess we learn to do this with time.

Chelle said...

yups, and sadly most of the time we choose the hard way.