Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Raisins In My Handbag

At the end of May you may or may not feel good about yourself. You may or may not be happy. You may or may not feel sure.
At the end of May you may or may not, because you have the ability to walk either path, go either way.
Think about it. Everything's a choice.
Do you deny yourself permission to be happy?
Do you place your happiness on someone else?
Do you constantly cling onto others to feel "complete"?
Hello! Are you forgetting the most beautiful person in your own life is YOU?
Sometimes I wish I could just smack some ppl in the head and scream WAKE UP!!! But then I remember, I better spend that time watching my own choices. Of course, I wouldn't smack myself. :)


dirat said...

la cultura popular acentua esta proyeccion de la felicidad personal en otras personas.
todas las canciones de amor dicen que sin ti no podria vivir, que tu eres la razon de mi existencia, hay las que van mas lejos y nos hacen afirmar que si tu no vienes me voy a morir.
saludos, take care, bye bye.

Chelle said...

ugh! you are soooo right. es una pena realmente. como asi k dike sin ti no puedo vivir? claro k si! por eso hay tan pocas canciones k yo le dedicaria a otra persona...

una cosa es querer estar contigo, y otra necesitarte para vivir.

me encanto tu comment!

Anonymous said...

por ende....i hate it when people COMPLETE me. oseaaaa! no! you dont need someone to COMPLETE you, you are a full, complete person all by urself. maybe u want someone to complement you..sure...but nope.

Do you deny yourself permission to be happy?
.... good question

like always...a wonderful post...

Chelle said...

thanks :)

i knowww, complementarse es bellisimo, creer que nos completamos, lamentable... cero medias naranjas, naranjas enteras por favor.

la unica persona sin la cual uno no puede vivir es uno mismo.

Mich said...

*sigh* el complementarse... muy cool, como debe ser.
btw... i'm beautiful, please don't smack me! :P

xoxo and \/

Chelle said...
