Thursday, July 06, 2006

inner things

ok, having things to do is great. it's much better than having nothing to do. but sometimes there's soooo much at the same time, you know. talk about hectic days!
i know, those always make an appearance once in awhile, and that's when pre-planning comes in handy, because when i haven't planned before their arrival, well, riding that wave ain't so smooth.
right now i'm juggling between the two- the "my things that need to be taken care of" and the "that huge number of responsibilities which are all priorities these days".
the joys of being me... these periods of the year are the ones in which i thank god, myself, and the rest of life for having the opportunity to create an inner realm of calm and peace and tranquility, that serves as a sort of sanctuary even in the midst of the craziness and multitasking demands.
being able to hear silence inside myself in the middle of the noisiness... is not something i take for granted. especially in times like these.


Mich said...

right now i'm juggling between the two- the "my things that need to be taken care of" and the "that huge number of responsibilities which are all priorities these days".

ya le has "puesto asunto" a todo lo otro en tu vida.
creo q esto ocurre después q ya uno tiene como un camino a seguir y está bien adelantado :)
'cause u worry about things that people, normally, don't and that's perfect! :)


Chelle said...

bueeeeno... ahora es que falta....!

maybe in another thousand years i'll be perfect. maybe. :D


Mich said...

maybe... me too jeje