If we, instead of criticizing others, use that time to look at our own flaws, we'll be so busy working on ourselves that we won't have time to even look at others. Devanand said this.
I remember reading that when I first started taking yoga classes. Applying it has been freeing. We have all the right to disagree, but also to respect, because everyone is free to be. And the universe is big enough for all kinds of people. Of course there will be those you like and those you dislike, and you will, likewise, be liked by some and not liked by some others. And that's ok and not surprising, because we already know that, and my happiness (etc.) does not depend on pleasing them or being pleased by them, because it's impossible to please everyone or be pleased by everyone. My happiness (etc.) depends on whom?
I like a Hindu proverb that says that the point of competition is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than yourself left over from yesterday. How I feel and go about my life depends on me.
Hola Chelle, acabo de toparme con tu blog, me encanto!! te acabo de agregar a favoritos para leerte mas a menudo.
Sobre lo de juzgar a los demas acabo de escribir un post y veo que tambien tienes un post sobre cuando la cosa esta dura, sobre lo que yo tambien me anime a escribir en dias pasados.
Me identifique con muchas cosas que piensas y nos compartes.
Te seguire leyendo.
Un abrazo.
ser libre cuesta pero imagino que es una experiencia unica, un abrazo chelle
Hello Chelle... nice blog!
Lots of good thoughts/things.
Just as I am about to continue this comment, I remember this thought I had while sleeping (there's a word for that, I think): I was saying something to someone (female), can't remember who, and that person was acknowledging everything thing in a as-a-matter-of-fact fashion: like the earth agrees with the ocean, or the world and space.
I think it seems that the closer the description of freedom comes to what I deem it is, the more I can only agree with no words.
Chelle: i totally agree with you about each and every word that you said specially on that Hindu proverb...
Take care, aight.
Very well said. I agree with that 100%.
If we spent every moment trying to please others or have people like us, then we'd stress ourselves out too much.
Hola Chelle! Tenia rato que no pasaba por aca. Y aca me tienes en buscqueda de mi dosis de buena bibra.
Hola que tal,
He visto tu blog y de verdad que me gusta ver como sabes buscar balance a las cosas de la vida, vive en belgica, y veo como los caribenos son tan puros, tan profundos, y me gustaria tener amigos com tu. No praticque Yoga pero como me gusta tu vision. Un beso desde Belgique
jo- jajaja, que coincidencia. :) pos eres bienvenida por aki! un abrazo patra!
prinz- yeah, pero todo lo que vale la pena cuesta trabajo! :D
fid- yes... i think the feeling freedom in every sense has no words...
cam- aight man, u too! :P
rein- yeah, too much unnecesary stress! :)
al- jejeje, dosis de buena vibra... cuidate!
ags- jejeje, we've talked about this... :P
el- hola elyse! eres bienvenida aqui cuando quieras visitar y dejar tus comentarios. te deseo muchas cosas buenas desde el caribe!
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