Monday, September 24, 2012


When you feel everything is going to be perfectly perfect, even when it all appears messy... 
When you just want to smile your heart away and float among clouds and birds and sway with the breeze and the trees... 
When you breathe in so deeply you become as light as a feather... 
When you know you know, even though you don't know what it is you know... 
When you release the grip of others' thoughts and value your own truth, which also upholds theirs...
When you see beyond chaos and anger and fear and instead offer the hand of compassion...
When you see through the lies and the ignorance and dwell in a place of forgiveness...
When you cease the need to control and start getting involved and solve so much more...
When peace is the state you return to and love is your only reality...

Give thanks and know that we are One.  


Unknown said...

Love this. It reflexs my own beliefs as well. I look forward to reading more of your writings later.

Mich said...

tocaash! yeah, love is our only reality!! ;)