Thursday, July 06, 2006

spoonful of sugar

a life without reflection is like putting make up on without a mirror. call me boring, call me old, call me brooder, call me dull. i like to talk like this, i like to think.

i'd much rather be like this than try to live without giving these ideas attention. i like to be myself, like everyone should be. you should be you, he should be him, et cetera.

i'd much rather ponder over yonder than provide these sparks of whoas to wither and decay.

i like finding meaning, seeing the connection of isolated things, know how they're woven into the whole. how we're all interconnected and loved by love itself.

i am fascinated by the capacity of human beings to reshape themselves as they see fit. annoyed by our ability to brake on our true development.

i am abundant regarding living my life by themes.

i enjoy observing growth. i am touched by open sincerity.

i am enveloped in the fact that we are each our own creators. god planted the seeds of all possibilities, and we choose the traits that are expressed.

there is always a direction.


Marnely Rodriguez-Murray said...

capacity of human beings to reshape themselves as they see fit....wonderful thing we learn to do..

Mich said...

"call me boring, call me old, call me brooder, call me dull."
y a mi, y a mi! ;)

"i like to talk like this, i like to think."
me too... and people complain de q pienso mucho las cosas jeje, pero na'...

i like reading u, u already know that :P at least i'm not a "fantasma lectora" jeje.

Gbu, \/ & love :D

Chelle said...

nels- yupsie, tis so!

toc- jejejeje verda! los fantasmas de mi blog! :P

y eso mimo: "pero na", a todo el mundo no le tiene que gustar como uno es. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Michi,
and I like always looking at the bright and positive side to things and every situation...all posibilities always!

Chelle said...


ay si, e ke life is cooler that way. and they all have that side! :P

Anonymous said...

Hello!!! is one of the most outstanding resourceful websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. Keep it that way.