Saturday, August 19, 2006

Stuff to Post About


So it turns out that I've got a few things to post about, but I haven't decided how I will do that yet. I usually post about my thoughts on things that happen, though not the details, for different reasons. Some interesting things have happened during this trip, so I'll probably share some and keep some... I'll see about that.

One thing is for sure, going to visit my sister AniCh was an excellent idea. I love to share with ppl of that quality and honesty and purity of heart. :D I was just talking with my friend Agus (whom I'm now visiting) about the fact that the way ppl choose to see life makes such a difference. Some ppl have the habit of always finding something wrong, even if everything's fine. But not AniCh. :) She's one of those beings who keep a realistically optimistic view, and human as she is and as we all are, she knows that sometimes we can fall but it is not the fall that matters, but that we gather up the courage to get up and go on. :) So, yeah, she's an excellent woman- but don't get your hopes up guys, she's already taken by my brother. :P

I also enjoyed meeting the rest of the family, and seeing those that I'd met before again. Really nice ppl. It's just too bad that it was such a short time, I go back to work on Monday, but the quality of the sharing makes it seem like it was longer. Sometimes the little things are a whole lot more meaningful. And I can't leave out the fact that a whole backyard of grass was cut and piled, you know, so I always had my salad. During a family dinner I had my own veggie plate cooked just for me. And I got a huge compilation of music, good music, that will surely take awhile for me to listen to it all, but hey, it saved me some time, cus it includes a bunch of stuff that I would've liked to get myself. Y nada- bueno, claro, hay mucho mas, pero por ahora eso es todo.

Gotta go out now, in the city that never sleeps, before my friend Agus falls asleep, hehe. And later we're meeting up with Gabs! OK, lemme go aprovechar my time aqui. I'll add the links to their blogs later.

Much Love!

(Links were added.)


dirat said...

encontrar personas autenticas es bien dificil, bien por ti. y bien por anich. donde estas ? en new york.
tirate una foticas(disminutivo de foto) y postealas. esto esta bien como un adelanto pero a ver, a narrar.
cuidate mucho y esperamos por ti.
un abrazo.

Chelle said...

lo bueno es saber que existen personas asi, y si unos las puede encontrar.

sips ahora toi en de big apol. :P

tengo algunas pics del campo, deja ver si tomo algunas de la ciudad.

sera cuando llegue k narrare :P got to go eat indian food now.

None said...

Oh my god! :P...cuantas cosas chulas de mi so happy de q pasaste un good time aqi en el camp. Aqi todos nos qedamos diciendo q fue muy corto el tiempo, pero sabemos q habran mas ocaciones en las staremos todos juntos :D...

Chelle said...

nich- e k e verda! :P y si, fue un gud taim, pero definitely, la vuelta tiene ke ser por mas tiempow.

n amen to that last thing u said! :D