Monday, December 11, 2006

"Diligence is the mother of good luck." - Benjamin Franklin

I saw that quote on my way to my friend's house here in NYC. I really liked it. Good things happen to those who prepare themselves for good things to happen- not only intellectually and economically, but mentally as well. Sometimes there might be excellent education and useful contacts in the picture, but when a person has an unstable mind and darkened heart, he or she sabotages what could be great opportunities. Always remember, everything is created on the inside. All changes happen from the inside out, not from the outside in. And this applies to all.

I like to keep that in mind because the more responsibility I take for my own life, the more aware I am about the fact that I can mold it however I want to. If there's something I don't like, then I must seek within the reason why I am creating that, why I'm making it happen, why I am being a magnet for such things or people. And if I don't want to anymore, when I'm fully conscious of the fact that I made it happen, I can also make it stop, and make something else, something better, happen instead. Of course, I have to be clear on my reasons. The clearer I am, the clearer my present circumstances will become, and so will the people I attract in this moment.


Chef Pablito said...

Good Quote,,,good post. I like it!!

Floralba said...

Muuuuy cierto. Es como pedir sacarse el loto, pero nunca haber comprado un boleto.

Un abrazo!

Chelle said...

chef- jeje, thanks... me puso a pensar... :)

flor- esactooo! y mi parte??? si no hago na, no me pasa na. gracias por esa comparacion.

Carolina said...

so right girl!!

Anonymous said...

That is an awsome quoat!!!

Chelle said...

thanks! i thought so too, it helps me remember we are the architects of our own lives! :)