Saturday, December 16, 2006

Things 2 Deal With

No matter how smoothly the water on the surface seems to run... remember much more is going on beneath. Even when things are going well, there are always things to deal with.

The cold can give you a heat rash, but I already knew that. Too much walking can make you lose a toe nail. And activity filled leisure time can give you strengthened muscles and amusement, but it can also lead to a disorganized way if you forget what's really important. But no matter the foot blood or the screaming skin or the late sleeping... because of my awareness that I can make these things better for me, easier to handle... because I know all of these things are temporary and there's much more to life than this... I smile.

Obstacles, challenges, stepping stones... all of those can be used in our favor, if we choose to. The most important muscle to be exercised: the mind.

Anyway, there's always a bunch of awesome stuff going on parallelly.



Joan Guerrero said...

Para llegar a la meta que uno se propone, son muchas las avalanchas que se te cruzan sin previo aviso. Por eso la mente, como mencionas, tiene un importante papel en nuestro ser, que trata metódicamente de calmar esas ansias para no desvirtuarnos de las proezas que deseamos.

Excelente escrito.

dirat said...

La adversidad es parte de la vida. De hecho, es la adversidad lo que la hace digna de ser vivida. Imaginate una vida sin vientos tempestuosos, si marejadas, sin contratiempos.

Recuerdo la historia de un general que antes de comezar la batalla, le fue informado de la temible unidad de flecheros de su oponente. Era tal la capacidad de los arqueros, que se decia que podian ensonbrecer el Sol con sus flechas. Lejos de sentierse intimidado el general, reflexiono y luego dijo: mucho mejor entonces, asi pelearemos a la sombra.
Un abrazo.

caminante said...

Chelle: The cold can give you a heat rash.LOL but you are right. if its not cold theres no heat, & theres no heat rash without heat.

i was going to write my coment in spanish like i always do, but the word heat rash in spanish sounds a little funny ill say LOL. well take care sweety.


Chelle said...

jo- asi mimito e. gracias!

dir- esacto, los ganadores le buscan la vuelta al asunto.

cam- jajaja. that's right!