Tuesday, February 21, 2006


A lot of the time things won't go the way we want them to. And they don't have to. A lot of the time we won't be how we wish we would be. We will put in the leg.

The good thing about this is that we become aware of things that we need to improve.

It's not about how it would look. It's about what we need to live and what we need to learn. This is different for all of us, because all of us are different. We will not understand everyone, and we will not be understood by everyone. Happiness is not found in seeking this approval.

The most important thing is for you to be at peace with yourself, and, if you believe, also with God. Life.... will carry on.


Anonymous said...

Si, muchas veces continuamos tropezando con la misma piedra una y otra vez, hasta que aprendemos a levantar el pie. Y si nunca aprendemos continuamos tropezando, por eso es importante detenernos y mirar nuestra vida...ver si aun estamos haciendo lo mismo over and over...entonces tomar nota para ver si recordamos levantar el pie la proxima vez. Lo digo por experiencia. Tropeze con la misma piedra una y otra vez, hasta hace muy poco.

Chelle said...

Oh yeah, it's very human to do that. I've done it too. :) This time I lifted it well from the previous stone but hit a huge new one, hehe. It has to do with what we spoke about right after we broke the silence, on the couch. Those things that happen for us to learn about... and you go through your process of eye opening and foot lifting, and you know that life goes on. Can't wait for the documentary! :D

*-. aliCe .-* said...

we will not be understood by everyone. Happiness is not found in seeking this approval.

eso es algo que a tanta gente se le olvida... including myself

Chelle said...

ay si- otro poster ma! :P